The Client Recruitment Process
Organizations interested in working with MHPI can apply between June 1st 2021 and August 20th 2021. For more information about the application process, please see the timeline below.
The Client Recruitment Process
Organizations interested in working with MHPI can apply between June 1st 2021 and August 20th 2021. For more information about the application process, please see the timeline below.
Mental Health Policy Initiative
mental health resources
Phone Numbers and Hotlines
Talk 4 Healing
Toll Free: 1 (855) 554 - 4325
Text: 1 (855) 554 - 4325
For live web chat please click here.
Workplace Mental Health Playbook
CAMH’s Workplace Mental Health Playbook for Business Leaders is a first-of-its-kind, user-friendly playbook providing a path to more effective solutions and better outcomes for employees and for businesses. CAMH’s five powerful recommendations are based on the best available evidence, and were shaped by feedback from business leaders as well as CAMH researchers, clinicians and experts.